Why LR?

One of the first steps in learning to read is knowing the letters of the alphabet. In the past, children began to learn their letters when they entered preschool. Nowadays, researchers and educators alike say that children should know all of their letters BEFORE starting school; in fact, some researchers say that children should start learning their letters as early as three years-old. Why so early? Children who learn the alphabet early start school with an advantage over their peers who don’t know the letters.

Letter Recognition™ develops many of the skills students need to be successful upon entering school. Children learn to:

  • read the letters quickly and accurately
  • color, trace, and write the letters
  • associate letters with words and pictures
  • use capitalization when appropriate
  • follow simple sets of directions to complete an activity.
  • use basic computer skills

While the program does prepare younger children to enter school, it can benefit other types of learners as well. If a child who is already in school does exhibit any learning problems or disabilities, LR can help you identify which skills need improvement, so you can intervene before the student falls too far behind. This early intervention may help prevent some of the outcomes — including emotional problems, social impairments, and behavior issues — often associated with failure to read. The program is also a great way to introduce non-English speakers to the basics of the language.