
At CEI®, we share your goal of achieving the greatest results. We are committed to forming a partnership with you — a partnership that not only helps your students achieve success, but also gives you the best support for your development dollar. Following are just a few of the benefits we offer:

Upgrades, Enhancements and Supplementary Materials

  • New software every year
  • Enhancements and updates to resource manuals throughout the year
  • Supplementary materials and software to improve reading or mathematics achievement

Communications Network

  • Continuous Progress Monitoring reports
  • Toll-free Technical Support to address software, hardware and network issues
  • Toll-free Customer Service support for non-technical issues
  • Internet support through the CEI website — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • eCare: Virtual Tech Visit Capabilities
  • Unlimited E-mail and telephone communication with your Educational Consultant

Professional Training and Development

  • Professional training for new or replacement lab personnel
  • On-site service visit by a CEI professional
  • Customized 60-minute in-service presentation for faculty

Recognition Programs

  • Achievement certificates for all students who complete the program
  • Annual awards and contests to honor both students and faculty