Title I Students

This study includes Title I students who used CEI®s Essential Learning Systems program for one school year. The graphs reflect the number of CEI students and their gains in Reading Comprehension at the end of that year.

“First and foremost, ELS and MLS are designed to allow all students to work on their individualized level. The programs are so wonderful for that simple term paperwriting service fact alone. Additionally, in ELS, the program changes allow even more individualization. Within a classroom, the teacher is not able to address the gaps in the students’ skills but the lab can. I have personally seen the life of one of my students changed. He could not read or write when he started the program in the fourth grade. Today, he is successful in school because of CEI.”

Assistant Elementary Principal
Killeen, Texas

“Many students who have met with past frustrations and failure in reading, experienced success for the first time. The only way students can fail is if they don’t show up.”

Elementary Lab Facilitator
Brevard County, Florida

“Students who had less than a fifty-word reading vocabulary were reading books in just three months.”

Middle School Principal
Dade County, Florida

“Only positive benefits have resulted from our CEI labs. There is a success story for each individual student.”

Elementary School Principal
Sealy, Texas

“Indeed, CEI learning programs impact life-long skills.”

Middle Reading School Specialist
Dade County, Florida