
One of the biggest benefits of Essential Learning Systems (ELS) is its capacity to meet the individual needs of each student. The program’s third party testing and continuous progress monitoring reports make it easy to determine each student’s strengths and deficiencies. You can use the information to customize lessons, task sequences, and preferences and settings and build a prescriptive lesson plan that accommodates the student’s learning style.


ELS uses skill level mastery rather than grade level mastery, so each student works on lessons that address his or her individual needs. The lab setting allows each student to work on a different lesson during the same class period, something that rarely happens in a typical classroom.

Task Sequences

The task sequences determine the order of the lesson activities and the number of times the student completes them. These sequences allow the student as much time as she needs to work on lessons; at the same time, the sequences provide the repetition and review necessary for mastery.

Preferences and Settings

Each ELS task has a variety of preferences and parameters … settings that determine how the program presents each task and how the student responds to the computer presentation. You can modify these parameters to address a student’s strengths or weaknesses in the most effective manner.